4 Reasons Why Renewable Energy is the Future

Why Renewable Energies are the Future?

At Efinetico Corporation, we are pioneers in the field of renewable energy. Our mission is to provide expert support in the development of sustainable solutions that not only benefit the environment, but are also economically viable for our customers.

It is important to know why to use renewable energies; and how to reduce CO2 emissions and thus the global warming effect.

Bloomber Energy’s latest report notes how demand clarifies why to use renewable energy worldwide. In 2018, renewable power purchase agreements were signed to install 13.4 GW worldwide, doubling the previous year’s 6.1 GW.

Learn more >> Climate change

To highlight the exercise of decision-making power by the demand side (the buyers), especially the companies when defining what type of energy they buy.
It chooses what type of energy it wants to buy. Defining a clearly defined product; They are no longer sold KWh alone. Renewable energy is purchased and its social responsibility value it represents.

“Corporate sustainability goals and climate change concerns are driving a green boom fueled by renewable energy subsidies and government mandates. While these subsidies are declining or expiring in many markets, wind and solar are often the cheapest source of electricity , making these record volumes possible.”

In fact, most oil companies have made commitments to develop actions to reduce their carbon footprint.
As a result, they consume solar energy whenever possible and efficient.

The trend is not only led by the United States, which accounted for 63% of these contracts, but also by India, which developed 1.4GW.
In addition to China, which already leads in the production and installation of 42GW.

Are you interested in knowing your potential and value the opportunity to take advantage of renewable energies in your company? contact us!

In Colombia we are initiating the process. For now, the purchase is restricted to electric power marketers.
But remember that as a non-regulated customer you can demand what type of energy you want.

Why is renewable energy the future?

The main reason is climate change.
And the fact is that the use of renewable energy contributes to reducing CO2 equivalent emissions. This reduces global warming.

1. Renewable energy directly combats climate change and environmental sustainability.

The emission of carbon dioxide (CO2) and other gases into the atmosphere contributes to a “greenhouse effect”.
This is why the planet has accelerated climate change.

Global temperatures are rising and this is creating major imbalances.
From droughts (El Niño and La Niña phenomena) to thaws, as well as species extinction and increasingly radical meteorological phenomena.
Climate change is a risk for the planet’s ecosystems.

Much of the emission of gases that contribute to global warming, such as CO2, comes from power generation.

For example, in countries such as the United States, almost one third of emissions come from the electricity sector. And most of these are generated by the use of non-renewable fossil fuels (such as coal or gas).

What is most interesting about this is that, at present, solar panels are much more efficient in generating electricity than they were in ’99.
In fact, even calculating the CO2 emission to also include the manufacture or installation of such panels, it is still minimal in comparison.

2. Renewable energy generation contributes to clean air and reduced pollution.

There are other gases, such as sulfur dioxide (SO2) and nitrogen oxides (NOx) that have very harmful direct effects on our health.

From contributing to cancer, to a role in the current boom in asthma and allergies. These gases are also produced by energy generation from non-renewable sources. Specifically, from high-temperature combustion.

What does this mean?

Generating energy from renewable sources, such as wind, solar or hydroelectric, does not produce combustion and, therefore, does not emit gases that are harmful to the environment. Some fossil fuels emit particles that affect people’s health.

Not only do we have cleaner and healthier air, but there are also savings in terms of health and climate change adaptation. This is another factor that explains why renewable energy is important.

3. Renewable energy does not affect natural resources

Natural resources are unique and the production capacity of a region is restricted by the available resources.

That’s the other big reason why renewable energy is important. The sun will continue to exist for billions of years and the wind will continue to blow as long as the earth rotates. The same goes for the sea and the rivers, especially as long as we keep the planet in balance.

4. Why use renewable energies? contributes to a better quality of life and to a more stable economy.

With minimal environmental impact, lower price, stable supply, improved air quality and reduced disease, renewable energy produces a better quality of life.

On the other hand, another reason why using renewable energy can produce a more stable energy price. It is not subject to international oil prices or exchange rate variations.

In short, the answer to why renewable energy is important is varied, starting with the most important reason: the fight against climate change.

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