What does a global warming of 1.5ºC mean?

Over the past three years, scientists have redefined the limit for global warming to what they believe is the “safe” limit of climate change.

Global warming is the greatest environmental challenge facing the world today. It is so much so that if preventive measures are not taken to curb its negative effects. Therefore, the survival of the animal species that inhabit it, including the human race, would be endangered. Moreover, the world’s productive systems would be at risk. For many years, scientists told us that the planet could not withstand a 2ºC increase. However, today they argue that the limit is 1.5ºC. The latest meeting of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) informs us that it is possible. A lot of government cooperation is required!

What is the main risk?

Melting ice … may cause some coastal cities and even islands to be submerged as a result of climate change. The concern is compounded when we analyze what happened in Copenhagen 2009. When an agreement failed to reach an even lower goal. To today, the planet has already warmed a degree, according to the scientists 1.5 º we will reach in 2040. We must continue to monitor the evolution.

“A species that goes extinct by two degrees will still be extinct if it reaches 1.5C,” said WWF’s Dr. Stephen Cornelius, a former IPCC negotiator for the U.K. government. “Some things may come back, but others are irreversible, in terms of running the risk you would want to try to keep below 1.5, and clearly that means faster and deeper cuts of previous emissions, and it probably means eliminating Carbon dioxide. Technologies: Some of them know what to do, but some are the first days and should be evaluated. “

is there hope to stop global warming?

Surprisingly, yes!

While the task of limiting global temperature rise to 1.5°C this century is a massive one. There are some indicators on the horizon that some governments are recognizing the seriousness of the problem. And they are taking steps to address it. Some environmentalists believe that the way to keep temperatures at 1.5º. It can be done without resorting to extreme mechanics or planting billions of trees. “If we have very rapid emissions reductions, and we combine that, with massive scaling up of land restoration and changes in our food system; to reduce meat consumption. Between all of us we can get to 1.5°C. In a way that generates a lot of welfare for people,” Hannah said. Fern mowat .

“It creates better air and reduces levels of collusion. It’s a world we want to say yes to. Instead of further industrialization of our landscapes.”

The reality of global warming

The truth is that global warming is already a reality. It is enough to review some facts – such as the poles, desert areas, river and ocean levels or forests, among others – to confirm that we are already living with some of its most devastating effects. Where does it originate from!

Global Warming: 5 main causes

Before mentioning the main causes of global warming, it is important to clarify that variations in the earth’s temperature are a natural process, i.e., they have been occurring for thousands of years as part of the planet’s evolution. In this process, glacial periods have alternated with others in which the temperature of the planet was rising. The novelty, at the moment we are facing now, is that the action of mankind during the last two centuries has accelerated this warming. Man has caused a deterioration, unprecedented since measurements of this type have been made. It is on these artificial causes that we are going to focus our attention, since they are the ones that have the greatest impact on the increase in land temperatures:

1. Increase in greenhouse gas emissions

The excessive industrial activity that has taken place in the world since the Industrial Revolution is the main cause of global warming, mainly due to the excessive use of energy. The vast majority of these processes release an enormous amount of greenhouse gases which, once in the atmosphere, deteriorate the ozone layer and, at the same time, expose the Earth directly to the sun’s rays. Carbon dioxide or CO2 is the best known gas of all because it is primarily responsible for preventing heat from escaping in the lower layers of the atmosphere; its production has increased by about 6 billion metric tons per year since 1990, i.e. by about 20%. There is also nitrous oxide and many others derived from electricity production. But this is only the first cause!

2. Fossil fuel burning

A large proportion of greenhouse gases are generated by the burning of fossil fuels, i.e. all those derived from products such as coal, oil and natural gas. We observe this, for example, in large urban centers with the massive burning of fuels by cars and other means of heavy transport.

>> learn more about the evolution of the use of coal

3. Deforestation of jungles and forests

It is often thought that the deforestation of jungles and forests only generates effects in the immediate surroundings. However, the damage generated is global. Trees have the ability to convert CO2 into oxygen through the process of photosynthesis, thereby helping to reduce air pollution. But if we reduce their number, the concentration of CO2 and other gases will be higher and, therefore, land temperatures will increase. Forests and jungles still cover about 30% of the Earth’s surface, but every year an area similar to that of countries like Panama is lost. Want to know more? Unfortunately, in recent years, areas that were long considered reserves have been lost. This effect is much greater and longer term than the pollution produced by burning fossil fuels. Deforestation affects future emissions!

4. Excessive use of fertilizers

Pesticides, fertilizers and other chemicals used in sectors such as agriculture and livestock are another direct cause of global warming. All have a high nitrogen oxide content, which is even more harmful than carbon dioxide. Hence the need to focus on more natural forms of food cultivation and production.

5. High waste production

High waste production also contributes to global warming. In what way? The more waste we produce on a daily basis, the higher the levels of methane gas in the environment, an element that is generated during the decomposition of materials in landfills. In addition, massive consumption means higher demand, which means that industries will increase their production levels and, therefore, the levels of greenhouse gases released into the atmosphere will be higher. It is essential to improve efficiency in the use of resources by companies, which can only be achieved through innovation processes.

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