Climate Change

Climate change is a reality; therefore, government entities and companies must adopt mitigation and adaptation actions.


Alternativas al Fracking para Aumentar Reservas

Introducción El fracking, o fracturación hidráulica, ha sido un tema controvertido debido a sus impactos ambientales y sociales. Ante la creciente oposición y las restricciones legales, es crucial explorar alternativas sostenibles para la extracción de energía. Conclusión La transición hacia un futuro energético sostenible requiere la adopción de múltiples tecnologías y enfoques. Al explorar y […]

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Paladin High level of climate change

Call to the Alliance for the Ambition of Climate Change

More for Climate Change The high-level climate champion for Chile, Gonzalo Muñoz, published a letter urging all actors (cities, regions, companies and investors) to join Chile’s Climate Ambition Alliance. The invitation wishes to promote plural participation at the next UN COP25 Climate Change Conference in Madrid in December. The invitation is intended to promote plural

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uses electric power

What is Sustainable Development?

More than environmental care So what is sustainable development? This is understood as economic development that manages to meet today’s needs without compromising the resources that future generations will require. It strikes the balance between economic growth, environmental care and social welfare. At the Political Corporation we support companies in the development of concrete actions

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potable water

Lack of potable water limits economic growth: World Bank

The World Bank today published its report Quality Unknown: The Invisible Water Crisis, in which it reveals with new data and methods how the lack of clean drinking water affects the world’s economic growth, while drawing attention to factors such as bacteria, sewage, chemicals and plastic material that impact the sources of the vital liquid

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Business Innovation

Business Innovation: Essential for growth

  A competitive environment generates incentives for innovation. The competitive environment and open markets are extremely important incentives for business innovation processes. Although not exclusive of other factors are: policies that promote growth and increased productivity through the generation and adoption of new technologies(big data, machine learning, process automation). According to international standards, when measuring

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Ecopetrol adheres to UN initiative to reduce CO2 emissions

Ecopetrol joined the climate and Clean Air Coalition (CCAC Oil and Gas Methane Partnership – Ogmp) with the aim of reducing CO2 emissions to the atmosphere, one of the gases causing the greenhouse effect. As other major oil companies on the planet have already done, Ecopetrol formalizes its commitment and willingness to reduce methane emissions

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Solid waste management in a sustainable and economically viable way

For many industries, solid-waste management is becoming increasingly difficult and is a major challenge. On the one hand, disposal standards are becoming increasingly stringent, on the other hand, we help you choose the optimal waste-to-energy solution for the local situation In many emerging and future economies, the amount of solid waste generated is increasing considerably.

Solid waste management in a sustainable and economically viable way Read More »

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